Sunday, January 30, 2011

News on Compact Disc India Ltd

Compact Disc India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on January 28, 2011, inter alia, approved and adopted the following:

1. Board has approved the delisting of its equity from the Stock Exchanges where the securities of the company are listed. The Board convened an Extraordinary General Meeting on March 22, 2011 for approval from the esteemed shareholders. The reason for delisting shall be specified in the EGM notice.

I would like to remind the readers that for delisting, the company has to give a buy-back offer to the public as an exit opportunity as per a SEBI regulation.  CDI has sufficient Reserves to accomplish this successfully. The minimum floor price of the offer is the 26-week average of the stock price, which in this case is around Rs58-59.

Friday, January 21, 2011

News on Compact Disc India Ltd

Board Meeting on Jan 28, 2011 | 20/01/11 18:02

Compact Disc India Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on January 28, 2011, inter alia, to consider the following matters:

1. To consider and approve unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended December 31, 2010.

2. To consider and approve the delisting of the securities of the Company from Bombay Stock Exchange and other stock exchanges where the securities of the company are listed.

3. To consider and convene the Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the members of the Company.

My Analysis:
If the "Delisting of the shares is approved by the board on 28th, as per SEBI rules, they will have to give a Buy Back offer as an Exit opportunity for the shareholders.

The price of the buy back offer is decided by the book building process, where the floor price is the past 26 week average. Now, for Compact Discs India Ltd, the 26 week average is around Rs 60. So hold on to shares till they reach 60.

Happy Investing!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

News on Lupin Ltd

Lupin receives FDA Approval for Nabumetone tablets  | 14/01/11
[Source: ]

Lupin Limited announced today that its U.S subsidiary, Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (LPI) has been granted final approval for its Nabumetone tablets, 500 mg and 750 mg strengths from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Lupin’s Nabumetone is the AB-rated generic equivalent of GlaxoSmithKline’s RELAFEN tablets indicated for acute and chronic treatment of the signs and sympto of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.  Annual sales for the Nabumetone market in the US was $66.8 mn for the twelve months ended September 2010, based on I Health sales data.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

November 2010 IIP Figures

The Ministry Of Statistics and Program Implementation has released the IIP estimates for November 2010. The Press Note is as follows:
The Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with base 1993-94 for the month of November 2010 have been released by the Central Statistics Office of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. The General Index stands at 317.9, which is 2.7% higher as compared to the level in the month of November 2009. The cumulative growth for the period April- November, 2010-11 stands at 9.5% over the corresponding period of the previous year.

The Indices of Industrial Production for the Mining, Manufacturing and Electricity sectors for the month of November 2010 stand at 205.8, 343.9, and 230.5 respectively, with the corresponding growth rates of 6.0%, 2.3% and 4.6% as compared to November 2009. The cumulative growth during April-November, 2010-11 over the corresponding period of 2009-10 in these three sectors have been 8.0%, 10.0% and 4.5% respectively, which moved the overall growth in the General Index to 9.5%.
In terms of industries, nine (9) out of the seventeen (17) industry groups (as per 2-digit NIC-1987) have shown positive growth during the month of November 2010 as compared to the corresponding month of the previous year. 

The industry group ‘Transport Equipment and Parts’ have shown the highest growth of 15.6%, followed by 12.6% in ‘Leather and Leather & Fur Products’ and 9.6% in ‘Other Manufacturing Industries’. 

On the other hand, the industry group ‘Wood and Wood Products; Furniture and Fixtures’ have shown a negative growth of 27.4% followed by 17.5% in ‘Jute and other vegetable fiber Textiles (except cotton)’.
 As per Use-based classification, the Sectoral growth rates in November 2010 over November 2009 are 4.5% in Basic goods, 12.6% in Capital goods and 2.4% in Intermediate goods. The Consumer durables and Consumer non-durables have recorded growth of 4.3% and (-) 6.0% respectively, with the overall growth in Consumer goods being (-) 3.1%.

5. During the current month, low growth has been observed in Intermediate goods and Consumer non-durable goods. Important items registering highly negative growth include ‘Spun pipes’ [(-) 38.2%], ‘Railway/concrete sleeper’ [(-) 34.9%] and ‘Particle board’ [(-) 29.6%] in case of Intermediate goods and
‘Rice bran oil’ [(-) 57.9%] and ‘Hair oil/ayurvedic hair oil’ [(-) 42.5%] in case of Consumer non-durable goods. Moreover ‘Agricultural implements’ [(-) 55.6%] and ‘Industrial machinery’ [(-) 46.7%] of Capital goods are also showing highly negative growth.


Friday, January 7, 2011

News on Lanco Infratech Ltd

Lanco Infratech's successful Bid | 30/12/10

Lanco Infratech Ltd has informed BSE that:
"Lanco Infratech Limited (LITL), has emerged as successful Bidder for 2 Laning with paved shoulders of Aligarh to Kanpur Section of NH-91 from KM 140.000 to KM 418.162 in the State of Uttar Pradesh on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) on Toll Basis of National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).

The Scope of Work involves 2 Laning with paved shoulders of existing road, repair, widening and reconstruction of 3 major & 29 minor bridges, construction of 5 new Rail-over-Bridges, 4 toll plazas and other wayside amenities.

The Project involves an investment of around Rs. 1,000 Crores. The Grant from NHAI would be Rs. 287.91 Crores. The concession period for the Project is 12 Years including a Construction Period of 18 Months. The concessionaire will have the right to collect toll over the entire concession period starting from the Commercial Operations Date of the Project."

News on Lupin Ltd

Lupin signs strategic agreement with FARMANGUINHOS, Brazil | 05/01/11
[Source: ]

Lupin Ltd announced that it has entered into an agreement with Farmanguinhos, Brazil's largest PSU in health care for the supply of its 4 in 1 combination drug of Rifampicin, Isoniazide, Ethambutol and Pyrazinamide for tuberculosis. Lupin will supply the product for the next five years and also provide Farmanguinhos with the desired support for the set up of its local manufacturing in future.

With this agreement between Lupin and Farmanguinhos in place, Farmanguinhos has entered into a commitment to produce and supply the 4 in 1 combination drug to the Department of Health (Brazil), which will result in substantial savings for the government.

The 4 in 1 combination reduces the pill burden on the patient drastically, particularly as the treatment lasts for at least six months. As per WHO, the treatment abandonment rate has fallen from 8 per cent to only 5 per cent due to this reduced pill burden provided by the combination drug. WHO estimates indicate that globally there are 9.2 million new cases each year resulting in 1.7 million deaths.

News on Parabolic Drugs Ltd

Completion of First Phase of Expansion Programme with the commissioning of MP-II Plant at Derabassi, Punjab | 05/01/11 [Source:]

Parabolic Drugs Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has successfully completed the first phase of its expansion programme initiated in 2008 with the commissioning of Multi-Purpose Plant II comprising of 5 manufacturing blocks for parallel production in Derabassi, Punjab. With the commissioning of MP II, the Company has added 325 TPA capacities at its Cephalosporin campus at Derabassi, resulting in a total production capacity of 773 TPA.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Analysis of Lanco Infratech Ltd


[From Company Website]
Lanco Infratech has subsidiaries and divisions across a synergistic span of verticals. These include Construction, Power, EPC, Infrastructure, Property Development, and Renewables. Lanco Infratech’s projects, operational and underway, are spread across India.

A member of the UN Global Compact, Lanco Infratech is recognized for its Good Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives led by the Lanco Foundation.

Lanco Power
Lanco has 2092 MW of operational Power Plants. A further 7148 MW plants are under construction at various locations, out of which around 650 MW is of renewable energy including Hydro Power and Solar Power. They are also engaged in Power Trading.

The increasing Power requirement of a developing India augurs well for the company.